Category Archives: Workouts

10 Kettlebell Trainers You Need To Check Out

There’s no shortage of kettlebell trainers online. Especially on Instagram. A search of the hashtag #kettlebelltraining produces 497,000 results. Dios mio. That’s a lot of posts.  This makes finding the guys and girls who’re really good pretty tough. Even if you have hours of free time.  To save you, and me, time I spent 10 […]

Are 10 Minute Kettlebell Workouts Worth It?

I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal about the benefits of 10 minute workouts. I’m stoked they’re covering this topic. Doing so could help millions of people realize that you can get in a great workout with lots of benefits to your health without spending an hour at the gym.  I’ve written […]

Skier Swing HIIT Workouts With Kettlebells

I love kettlebell HIIT workouts. They allow me to get both my strength training and cardio done, in 10 minutes if that’s all the time I have.  One of my favorite ways to train HIIT with kettlebells is doing different types of intervals with an exercise called skier swings.  If you haven’t done them before, […]

8 Ways Kettlebell Halos Benefit Your Body

What are kettlebell halos good for?  Lots of stuff. This includes making you stronger and more mobile, from your shoulders to your abs.  That’s why I do them 3-4 times a week. Sometimes more. They keep my shoulders and upper back strong and mobile better than any other exercise. I don’t think I’d be able […]