Lift Like An Athlete With A Personalized Workout Plan

lift like an athltte workout plan
Lift Like an Athlete

I’ve been lifting weights for years, and there’s no question in my mind—lifting like an athlete is the best way to train. If you’re stuck focusing on traditional routines like bench presses and curls, you’re missing out on the full potential of your strength, speed, and agility.

When I first started, I made the same mistake many do: lifting just to build muscle and get bigger, without thinking about how well I moved or performed in real-world situations. I eventually hit a plateau and became frustrated with my lack of progress. Then I broke my leg, and during rehab with a physical therapist, I learned to shift my focus. That’s when I was introduced to exercises like barbell squats and power cleans—movements that built functional strength and agility. That’s when I learned how to lift like an athlete.

The difference was immediate. I became stronger, faster, and more capable in ways that went beyond the gym. If you’ve been stuck in the same repetitive routine, trust me—you’re not alone. Many people feel unsure about how to move forward. That’s where a customized workout plan—like what Endura can create—can help you break through and start training like an athlete.

Click here to have Endura create your workouts so you can lift like an athlete too.

What Does It Mean to Lift Like an Athlete?

Lifting like an athlete is all about training with purpose and functionality. Instead of focusing purely on aesthetics—like bicep curls for arm size—athletic training emphasizes movements that improve overall strength, speed, and mobility. Every workout serves a specific purpose and is part of a larger plan toward achieving your goals, whether that’s running faster, dunking a basketball, improving your performance in sports, or setting a new personal record in an exercise.

Here’s what I believe: Athletic lifting is the best way to develop a balanced, powerful body that’s capable of more than just moving weights in the gym. Whether you want to jump higher, get faster, become stronger, or just move better, lifting like an athlete helps you build a body that can do it all—each workout pushing you closer to your goals.

The Benefits of Lifting Like an Athlete

When I made the switch to athletic lifting, I immediately noticed the benefits:

  • Functional Strength: You get stronger in a way that translates to real life. Forget isolating small muscles—athletic lifting focuses on compound movements like deadlifts, squats, and push presses that build strength across multiple joints and muscle groups.
  • Speed and Explosiveness: Incorporating movements like box jumps, kettlebell swings, and cleans helps you generate power and move quickly. I found that as I got stronger, I could also move faster and with more control.
  • Injury Prevention: This was a big breakthrough for me. Athletic lifting prioritizes mobility, balance, and flexibility, which are crucial for avoiding injuries both in and out of the gym. My training became more balanced, and I noticed a huge difference in how my body felt. For example, as someone who trains Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu regularly, I used to deal with a lot of soreness and minor injuries from the intense physical demands of the sport. But once I incorporated athletic lifting into my routine, I found that I could train consistently without feeling overly sore or getting injured beyond the usual bumps and bruises. My body felt more resilient and capable, allowing me to push harder without the setbacks that used to hold me back.
  • Endurance: Athletic lifting isn’t just about strength—it’s about building serious endurance as well. Whether you’re doing sprints, walking lunges, or long sets of kettlebell swings, your cardiovascular system gets a huge boost. Personally, lifting like an athlete has allowed me to consistently hit 50 miles of run/walk/sprint workouts each week, and I’ve gotten my endurance into the top 1% for my age group. Exercises like walking lunges and lateral squats have been key to making this possible, helping me build the strength to keep going without burning out.

By focusing on these elements, you’ll build a body that’s not just stronger but more capable overall.

lifting like an athlete with Endura

How Endura Can Help You Lift Like an Athlete

If you’re ready to lift like an athlete but don’t know where to start, that’s where Endura comes in. Endura is an AI-powered fitness coach that creates personalized workout plans based on your fitness level, goals, and available equipment. Unlike a one-size-fits-all program, Endura adapts to you and changes as you progress.

When I was stuck in a rut with my own training, switching to an athletic-style workout plan completely turned things around for me. But I didn’t figure it all out on my own—having a well-designed program made all the difference. Endura can be that program for you.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to train like an athlete or an experienced lifter trying to improve your performance, Endura will help you create a plan tailored to your needs. From explosive exercises like kettlebell swings to strength-building moves like deadlifts, Endura helps you build a workout that focuses on improving functional strength, agility, and endurance.

Example “Lift Like an Athlete” Workout Plan

To give you an idea of what athletic lifting looks like, here’s an example of the different ways you’ll train and exercises you’ll do in a workout. When Endura creates a workout like this for you, the exercises, sets, reps, etc., are customized to your specifications.

This workout plan covers all the bases—strength, power, agility, and endurance. The beauty of athletic lifting is that it’s scalable, meaning you can adjust the weights, reps, or rest periods depending on your fitness level. And if you’re using Endura, the AI will help you tweak your workout as you progress.

1. Dynamic Warm-Up (10 minutes)

  • Jumping jacks
  • Walking lunges with a twist
  • Lateral shuffles
  • High knees

2. Power and Agility (15 minutes)

  • Box jumps
  • Kettlebell throws
  • Medicine ball slams

3. Strength Circuit (30 minutes)

  • Barbell front squats
  • Dumbbell push press
  • Pull-ups
  • Dumbbell Farmer’s walks

4. Core Exercises (10 minutes)

  • Planks
  • Russian twists with a medicine ball

Why You Can Trust Me—and Endura

Why should you trust me when it comes to lifting like an athlete, and why should you believe Endura is the right tool to get you there? Here’s why.

I’ve been in your shoes. I didn’t just read about strength training in textbooks—I’ve lived it. Starting as a skinny 90-pound kid obsessed with gaining muscle, I spent years experimenting with different workout styles, from traditional bodybuilding to high-performance athletic training. Over time, I figured out what really works through a combination of trial, error, and research.

But it’s not just my time in the gym that shaped my understanding of how to train like an athlete. My background in exercise science and biomedical studies gave me the technical knowledge to design effective workout programs. I’ve taken this combination of hands-on experience and formal education, and poured it into creating Endura.

Endura isn’t just another app spitting out cookie-cutter routines. It’s a tool designed to think like a coach—tailoring your workouts based on your fitness level, goals, and the equipment you have access to. Plus, as you get stronger and more capable, Endura evolves with you, ensuring that every workout pushes you closer to your athletic goals.

I’ve spent decades perfecting my approach to training, and with Endura, I’ve put all that knowledge into an AI that helps you train smarter and achieve your full potential. Whether you’re aiming to build strength, improve agility, or boost endurance, Endura is the personal coach that will guide you every step of the way.

buy AI personal trainer for athletes Endura

Are You Ready to Lift Like an Athlete?

Athletic lifting is about more than just building muscle. It’s about becoming stronger, faster, and more capable in everything you do. With Endura, you’ll have a personalized plan to help you lift like an athlete, no matter where you’re starting from.

Ready to take your training to the next level? Start lifting like an athlete today with the Lift Like an Athlete Workout Plan. Whether you’re just starting or you’re a seasoned lifter, Endura will help you develop a workout that’s designed for real-world strength and performance.

Click here to buy Endura now and start building a body that performs as good as it looks.

Curt Pedersen