The Best 20-Minute, 2 Exercise Full Body Workout for Busy People

the busy persons 2 exercise workout

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get a decent workout? Between work, family, and life in general, squeezing in gym time can feel impossible. But what if I told you that you could build muscle and get stronger in just 20 minutes a day?

For busy people, time is often the biggest barrier to staying fit. You want to work out, but when exactly are you supposed to fit it in? Most of us don’t have the luxury of spending hours in the gym every day. But what if I told you that you can get an effective full-body workout in just 15-20 minutes? And no, this isn’t some gimmick or shortcut—it’s a simple, powerful workout strategy that uses only two compound exercises per session. Trust me, this minimalist approach works. I’ve used it myself and seen how effective it can be.

Why the Busy Person 2-Exercise Workout Is Enough

The secret sauce here is compound exercises. We’re not talking about spending 30 minutes doing curls for biceps or isolating every tiny muscle group. Instead, the focus is on movements like squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and rows. These exercises activate multiple muscle groups at once, making your workouts both efficient and effective.

Think about it: squats don’t just hit your quads; they work your glutes, hamstrings, core, and even your upper body when you’re holding weights. Same with push-ups—they’re not just a chest exercise; your triceps, shoulders, and even abs are getting in on the action. By focusing on these compound moves, you can train more muscles in less time.

With this workout, you’ll have a plan for every day of the week to fit exercise into your schedule.

The Busy Person 2-Exercise Workout Plan

Let me share a simple 7-day plan that I’ve used when time is tight. This plan is designed around doing just two exercises per workout—one upper body and one lower body. You don’t need fancy equipment or a ton of time; you just need commitment and about 15 minutes a day. And here’s the kicker: this plan isn’t just about maintaining fitness—it’s about actually getting stronger, building muscle, and improving your overall fitness.

The 7-Day Busy Person 2-Exercise Workout Plan

  • Day 1: Squats + Push-Ups
  • Day 2: Deadlifts + Bent-Over Rows
  • Day 3: Lunges + Dips
  • Day 4: Bulgarian Split Squats + Pull-Ups
  • Day 5: Goblet Squats + Dumbbell Overhead Press
  • Day 6: Step-Ups + Inverted Rows
  • Day 7: Free Day (Optional: Farmer’s Walks or light squats and overhead presses—because hey, I love moving every day)

The idea here is to use a daily undulating periodization scheme, which just means you’ll vary the number of sets and reps you do each workout to maximize your progress. For workouts 1 and 4, use heavier weights for sets of 3-5 reps to build raw strength. For workouts 2 and 5, go for 12-15 reps per set to improve endurance. For workouts 3 and 6, aim for 8-10 reps per set to get stronger and build muscle. On workout 7, use light weights and do as many sets and reps as you like, or try farmer’s walks for an active recovery. This approach ensures that you’re training your muscles in every way possible—getting stronger, gaining muscle, and boosting your endurance and overall fitness.

Workout For Busy People with Endura

How to Make the Busy Person 2-Exercise Workout Work for You

I get it, life is hectic. Between running my own business, training BJJ, and hiking with my wife, I know what it feels like to be strapped for time. But I’ve found that it’s not about having time; it’s about making time. The beauty of this two-exercise routine is that it’s so efficient, you really have no excuses. Even when I’m slammed, I can find 15 minutes to hit a couple of compound lifts. And you can too.

This workout is good for everyone—from beginners to pros who’ve been lifting for several years. If you’re a beginner, rest as long as necessary between sets, really focus on your technique, and don’t max out with the weight. Use weights that are challenging, but you could grind out 1-2 more reps if you had to. You can also change the exercises based on your needs, the equipment you have available, or any limitations. Just make sure you’re doing similar movements that train the same muscles as the exercises in this workout.

Why Endura Makes Fitting In A Workout Even Easier

The two-exercise plan is powerful, but it can be even better with a bit of customization. That’s where Endura, my AI personal trainer, comes in. I built Endura because I wanted a tool that made working out smarter, not harder. We all know what it’s like to be overwhelmed with choices, trying to figure out the best routine for our goals and bodies. Endura takes out the guesswork.

Endura creates personalized workouts specifically tailored to your fitness level, goals, and available time. Whether you have a fully equipped gym or just a pair of dumbbells at home, Endura will adjust the plan for you. If you’re new to squats, Endura will guide you through progressions. If you’re experienced, it might have you adding some explosive movements or heavier weights. It’s like having a strength coach with decades of experience right in your pocket.

And let me tell you—I know this approach works. I’ve been lifting weights for decades, and I’ve run into all the usual roadblocks—lack of time, burnout, injuries. This routine and Endura’s smart programming have helped me overcome them and continue to improve. It’s about making each minute count, and that’s what Endura is designed to do.

Here’s a real-world example: I train this way myself for the majority of the time since I’m working 7 days a week on Endura and the business, plus other commitments. In the last 3 months, I’ve gotten stronger, lost 1/2 inch off my waist, and gained 5 pounds of muscle. Another example is my wife, who trains this way most days too. She likes to run most days, and between that and her career, she only has 15 minutes for strength training. This keeps her stronger, energized, and injury-free despite logging 60 or more miles a week, every week.

Busy Person Workout with Endura

The Benefits of the Busy Person 2-Exercise Workout Simplicity

Sometimes we overcomplicate fitness. We think we need elaborate programs, fancy supplements, and the newest equipment. But simplicity is often the best solution, especially for busy people. The busy person 2 exercise workout cuts through the clutter and focuses on what actually matters—getting stronger and healthier without sacrificing all your time.

When I started using this approach, I noticed a few things. First, my workouts became much more consistent. There was no dread of spending an hour in the gym; I knew I just needed to tackle two big lifts and I’d be done. Second, I actually got stronger. By focusing my limited time on the most important movements, I saw better progress than when I was spending twice the time isolating muscle groups. And third, I stayed committed. The simplicity made it easy to keep going, even on the days when I was exhausted or just didn’t feel like it.

A Workout for Every Day of the Week

This article is written so you have a workout for every day of the week. That’s how I lift, and I’ve found it really makes me more productive, even on the busiest days. My advice: do this workout as many days a week as you can, but if you need to take a day off, don’t sweat it. You’re not aiming for perfection 7/7 every week—just consistency. You’ll still make great progress doing this workout 2-3 times a week, and even once a week is worthwhile. Make that your goal—fit it in where you can, and build from there.

How to Get Started

  • Pick Your Two Exercises: Alternate between the 2 exercises. So you do the lower body exercise, rest, then do the upper body exercise, rest and repeat for however many sets you’re supposed to do.
  • Use Endura for Personalization: Let Endura tailor the weights, sets, and reps to your level and help keep things progressing. It’s like having me there, coaching you through every rep, without actually being in the gym with you.

Have Some Fun On Your Free Workout Day (Day 7)

Day 7 is your free day, and I suggest you use it to do something active but different from the routine. Go for a hike, do some farmer’s walks, or pick up a moderate weight and do some light squats and overhead presses. Personally, I love doing farmer’s walks—they work on everything from grip strength to core stability, and they’re a great way to end the week on a strong note.

Make Your Workouts Happen with Endura

If you’re ready to stop making excuses and start making progress, give this workout plan a try. Even better, use Endura as an AI workout generator and trainer to help guide you. Endura’s personalized approach will help you get the absolute most out of those 15 minutes, ensuring that your workouts are perfectly tailored to your needs. No more guessing, no more wasting time—just effective, smart training that fits your life.

You don’t need hours in the gym to get fit. You just need a plan, commitment, and a little help from a tool like Endura. So let’s make those 15 minutes count—for a stronger, healthier you.

Curt Pedersen