I Lifted Every Day For A Month – Here’s The Best Way To Do It

lift every day for a month

Lifting weights every day for a month might sound extreme to some people, but it’s exactly the kind of challenge that gets me excited. There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of pushing yourself day in and day out, and seeing both physical and mental growth as a result. I like to approach my training like an experiment—seeing just how far I can push myself and what kind of progress I can make when I throw myself into something fully. And trust me, lifting every day isn’t just about building muscle; it’s about building resilience, both in the gym and in life.

Why Lift Weights Every Day?

Lifting weights every day for a month has a lot of benefits—it’s a great way to mix up your workouts and make gains in strength, power, and muscle. More importantly, it emphasizes goal-setting and mental toughness. The commitment of lifting daily for a set period helps you focus, push past mental barriers, and see measurable progress by the end of the month. This mental challenge is what sets it apart from simply lifting weights regularly—it’s about testing your limits and building resilience both physically and mentally.

Here are some benefits of lifting daily:

  • Train Every Muscle Group Multiple Ways for Better Gains: Lifting every day allows you to target every muscle group in different ways, which leads to better gains in strength and muscle development. By varying your lifts, you can train muscles from multiple angles and with different techniques, maximizing growth.
  • Increase Your Work Capacity: Daily lifting helps improve your ‘work capacity’—a fitness term that means you’ll be in better shape and able to go harder and longer, both in the gym and in sports or activities you love outside the gym. This improved endurance translates to better performance all around.
  • Energy Boost: I find that brief, daily weight lifting workouts give me an energy boost that lasts the entire day. Instead of feeling drained, I feel more energized and ready to tackle whatever comes my way.
  • Move More, Feel Better: Lifting weights every day keeps you moving, which helps prevent stiffness and soreness. Whether you sit a lot or do physical work, staying active with weight lifting makes a big difference. Years of hip pain from too much sitting in front of a computer were eliminated once I started lifting every day.
  • Mental Grit: Going to the gym every day can be tough. But it’s the kind of toughness that builds character. If you can do it for a month, you’ll find yourself far more capable of tackling other challenges in your life—whether that’s growing your business, handling stress, or chasing down goals in other areas of your life.
Lift every day for a month

My Experience Lifting Weights Daily

A couple of years back, I decided to lift weights every single day for 30 days straight. Now, I’m not talking about going to the gym and doing max squats every day. Instead, I broke it up into different sessions focusing on various parts of the body—some days were high intensity, and others were lighter, more about movement and technique.

At the time, I was juggling running my business, training in BJJ three times a week, and getting in challenging hikes with my wife Monica—like climbing 1,000 vertical feet in a mile and then hiking for several more. Finding time to lift every day took some discipline, but with a solid plan, I made it work. The key was to be consistent, while also being smart about not burning myself out.

I have continued to lift every day ever since, even if it just means doing 10 minutes of one exercise when I don’t have much time—like kettlebell clean and press or supersetting an upper and lower body exercise like push-ups and split squats.

After a month, I felt the strongest I had in years. More than that, I felt in control. The changes I saw weren’t just physical—I noticed improved mental clarity, discipline, and overall energy levels. And you know what? That feeling of control translates to everything else you do—whether it’s running your business, competing in sports, or even just feeling at peace with yourself.

A Simple Plan to Lift Weights Every Day

1. Start With a Structure

The key to lifting daily is to use a style of workout called Push/Pull and Legs that alternates which muscles are emphasized each workout:

  • Day 1: Push & Legs (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, plus a lunge or squat exercise) – 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps per set
  • Day 2: Pull & Hinge (Back, Biceps, plus a hip hinge exercise like stiff-legged deadlifts or kettlebell cleans) – 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps per set
  • Day 3: Push & Legs (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, plus a different lunge or squat variation) – 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps per set
  • Day 4: Pull & Hinge (Back, Biceps, plus a different hip hinge exercise) – Same as Day 1 (2-3 sets of 12-15 reps per set)
  • Day 5: Push & Legs (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, plus another variation of lunge or squat) – Same as Day 2 (2-3 sets of 3-5 reps per set)
  • Day 6: Pull & Hinge (Back, Biceps, plus another hip hinge exercise) – Same as Day 3 (2-3 sets of 8-10 reps per set)
  • Day 7: Free Workout Day (Reader’s Choice) (15-30 minutes of exercises of your choice—keep it light and fun! I’ll often do some sort of weighted carries or medicine ball workouts, like farmer’s walks for a mile or two, or lots of medicine ball throws and slams at the beach.)

This structure allows you to target different muscle groups and movement patterns each day, ensuring a balanced workout while minimizing the risk of overtraining. I also throw in exercises that help with BJJ—like grip work, rotational strength drills, and mobility exercises. These workouts aren’t long—some days, it’s just 30 minutes—but they’re effective.

2. Listen to Your Body

It’s important to understand the difference between fatigue and injury. There were days during my month-long challenge when I felt tired, but I knew it was just my body adjusting to the increased volume. On those days, I focused on lighter weights or mobility. The goal isn’t to crush yourself every day—it’s to show up, be consistent, and do the work.

3. Use Endura for Personalized Workouts

To make this even easier, I used my AI workout generator, Endura. I know, I created it, but I’m telling you, it was a game-changer for staying consistent. It’s like having a coach in your pocket. You can create personalized workouts in seconds—whether you need a high-intensity session or a lighter day focused on technique, Endura has you covered. Learn more about Endura here.

lifting every day for 30 days

Common Concerns About Lifting Every Day

Won’t I Overtrain?

Overtraining is a real concern, but it’s not something that should stop you from training daily. The key is in programming and listening to your body. This means paying attention to signs of overtraining, such as persistent fatigue or lack of motivation, and adjusting intensity based on how you feel each day. Some days, you may need to lower the weight or focus on mobility exercises to ensure you’re not pushing beyond your limits. For example, I made sure not to max out on heavy deadlifts two days in a row. One day might be about lifting heavy, and the next might focus on lighter, higher-rep exercises.

Endura can help with this by giving you a balanced plan that reduces the risk of overtraining while still helping you progress.

How Do I Find the Time?

I get it—you’re busy. When I was raising money for my first e-commerce business, I barely had time to breathe, let alone work out. But here’s the thing—working out isn’t just about building muscle; it’s about building energy. That energy makes you more productive in everything else you do. The 30 minutes I spent lifting each morning gave me more energy for my work, more focus for meetings, and more patience in every other aspect of life.

Making It Through the Month: Tips for Success

  • Keep It Short When You Need To: Some days, all you need is 10 minutes. Endura can help you adjust your workout based on the time you have.
  • Stay Accountable: Tell a friend or post about your goal. When I shared my goal with my wife, it kept me from skipping out, even on tough days.
  • Mix It Up: Don’t get bored. Try different lifts, throw in some kettlebell work, or take your workout outside. Variety keeps it fun and challenging.
  • Focus on the Process: Instead of just looking at the end result, focus on showing up every day. It’s those daily wins that add up to real progress.

How Endura Can Help You Lift Every Day for a Month

If you’re serious about giving this a go, I highly recommend using Endura. It’s my creation, born out of my own experiences, and it’s like having me as your coach, giving you the exact workout you need every day without any guesswork.

Just imagine waking up each morning, opening Endura, and having your personalized workout plan ready to go—whether it’s a high-intensity session or a mobility-focused recovery day. Endura takes the guesswork out of the equation so you can focus on what matters—lifting. Try Endura here.

Endura - Your AI Workout Generator And Personal Trainer

What To Do After Your 30 Days Of Lifting Are Up

After the month is over, you have options. You can go back to your regular way of training or continue lifting every day, adjusting the volume as needed. If you choose to keep going, make sure to take breaks when needed, or consider cutting back the number of sets per workout by half every 6-12 weeks to avoid burnout.


Lifting weights every day for a month is not for everyone, but if you’re serious about going pro in life—about being your strongest, most resilient self—then give it a shot. There’s something incredibly powerful about showing up day in and day out, no matter what.

You don’t need to go it alone. With Endura, you’ve got a personalized plan that takes you through every step of the way, ensuring you lift smart, recover well, and stay motivated. Click the link below to get started with your own month of lifting, and see just how far you can go.

Ready to start lifting? Let Endura guide you. Click here to try it out!

Curt Pedersen