Author Archives: Curt Pedersen

The 6 Best Standing Kettlebell Ab Exercises

If you want to build strong abs and core muscles, you’ve got to do lots of standing kettlebell ab exercises. Movements like kettlebell halos, slams, marches, and windmills from a standing position better mimic many movements in sports and your everyday life. From hitting a forehand volley in tennis, running, and carrying heavy suitcases through […]

The Secret To Better Kettlebell Workouts

Supplementing with creatine can take your kettlebell workouts to the next level. Over 500 scientific studies, and millions of users, show that it increases your ability to workout harder, longer. As a result, it makes it possible for you to swing, press, and squat heavier kettlebells for reps and surpass all of your personal records. […]